Trappings 2015 Artists & Gearmakers
Carry On We Must – Tho’ We Be Pooped by Rygh Westby
oil on canvas
This painting has been on my mind for about 30 years, and it was about time to get it on canvas.
I do not like snow but I have punched cows in a lot of it. These cows are on their way to winter range. The calf should have been weaned by now, but sometimes you miss a few.
Although wooly leggins are not too common anymore, this cowboy has his and glad of it too! The cold, sometimes closer to zero than anywhere else, can sap the life out of men, cattle, and horses. Most of the herd is through the last gate and the calf’s mom is bawling for him to keep moving even though he’s pooped. He’s not the only one.