The Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McKee III Family Fred Darge Collection
The Outlaw, New Mexico
Oil on canvas board, 9″ x 12″, ca. 1950s
When it came to horses, Darge knew the anatomy of the animal like a skilled veterinarian, and this was amply demonstrated in all his artwork. Whether the horse was walking, galloping, running, or bucking, Darge always portrayed it in life-like movements.
The Outlaw is interesting because the man standing in the corral in the middle of all the action is Fred Darge himself! Although he was likely not familiar with horses as they were used by cowmen, he expressed his interest in ‘cowboying’ numerous times in a broad variety of scenarios. While it appears that he never was a cowboy, it seems that he was strongly drawn to the activities and lifestyle of the working cowhand. The general consensus is that he rather liked to participate in all the commotion in corral activities from time to time.
Gifted by Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McKee, III