The Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McKee III Family Fred Darge Collection

Headquarters, Sierra Blanca, Texas

Oil on canvas board, 12″ x 16″, ca. 1950s

Darge had the gift of an experienced newspaper reporter; he always seemed to know where to go to find a good story that he could put on canvas. Headquarters is one of those stories right out of the Old West that is centered around Jess M. Walbridge, brand inspector, cattle rancher, Texas Ranger, police officer, deputy sheriff, gun fighter, and legend. He was also a businessperson that pursued Pancho Villa and collected money owed him. His remarkable and violent career involved the death of seven men he pursued. Undoubtedly Walbridge was a character of intrigue and of great interest to Darge.

Gifted by Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McKee, III

Mankato Style Spur Strap Buckles on Custom Straps by Baru Forrel