Trappings of Texas 2016 Artists and Gearmakers


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Items are NOT for sale through the Museum of the Big Bend once the exhibit has closed. This is only a record.

Trappings of Texas
Off the Top, watercolor, 20 X 30”, Teal Blake (2015)

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2016 Trappings!

Teal Blake

Trappings 2016 Featured Artist

Teal-Blake-photo-smTeal Blake was born in 1978 and grew up in Montana, on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, surrounded by ranching country. Growing up in his father’s studio looking at C.M. Russell paintings and reading Will James books inspired him to pick up a pencil and start capturing his own visions of cowboys and the American West.

Teal has been painting professionally since 2005, he was predestined to become a western artist. Teal has always liked to show what makes the traditional West: cowboys not always clean shaven, shirts not always creased, and their horses’ manes not always long.

Teal’s love for the tradition of ranching and cowboying is unparalleled. Up before dawn gathering the cavvy, camping out on the wagon for weeks on end and playing cards with the crew during a rainstorm. Blake’s portrayal of ranch life and the handful of people keeping it alive is an authentic one. No models, no costumes, simply being fortunate enough to work and ride alongside his friends and muses; he is able to capture his material and inspiration first-hand.

In 2014 Teal’s labor, talent and accomplishments earned him an invitation into the renowned Cowboy Artists of America organization. He has also been honored with several awards, including the Joe Beeler CAA Foundation Award and First Place Watercolor at the Phippen Museum and has been featured in such magazines as Western Horseman, Western Art & Architecture, Southwest Art, Ranch & Reata and The Cowboy Way.

In 2011 Teal created “We Pointed Them North,” an art show held in Fort Worth, celebrating the memoirs of Teddy “Blue” Abbott. Teal’s work appeared on the cover of Big Bend Saddlery catalogue in 2012 and 2013. His painting “Morning Gather” was used for the cover of “Some Horses” by Thomas McGuane.

Click on any image for a larger view.

Click here for information about the participating 2016 Trappings of Texas artists.

Items are NOT for sale through the Museum of the Big Bend once the exhibit has closed. This is only a record.

Windmill Rowel Spurs by Wilson Capron

Windmill Rowel Spurs by Wilson Capron

SOLD Midnight Breeze Trophy Style Buckle by Wayne Franklin

SOLD Midnight Breeze Trophy Style Buckle by Wayne Franklin

Camp at Point of Rocks by Wayne Baize

Camp at Point of Rocks by Wayne Baize

Blue Mountain by Wayne Baize

Blue Mountain by Wayne Baize

Mahogany Saddle Tree by Troy West

Mahogany Saddle Tree by Troy West

SOLD Tucker II by Teresa Elliott

SOLD Tucker II by Teresa Elliott

Kitchen Knife Set by Ruben Ramos

Kitchen Knife Set by Ruben Ramos

Brush Poppers Bracelet by Rick McCumber

Brush Poppers Bracelet by Rick McCumber

SOLD Hobbles by Pablo Lozano

SOLD Hobbles by Pablo Lozano

Three Piece Buckle Set by Mike Pardue

Three Piece Buckle Set by Mike Pardue

SOLD Fancy Gaucho Knife by Maximo Prado

SOLD Fancy Gaucho Knife by Maximo Prado

Solid Sterling Pen, Completely handmade by Laddan Ledbetter

Solid Sterling Pen, Completely handmade by Laddan Ledbetter

SOLD Sterling Silver Pendant by Javier Ribeyrol

SOLD Sterling Silver Pendant by Javier Ribeyrol

Spurs TCA 2016 by Ernie Marsh

Spurs TCA 2016 by Ernie Marsh

Bit by Doug Cook

Bit by Doug Cook

SOLD Rio Bravo by Carlos Montefusco

SOLD Rio Bravo by Carlos Montefusco

SOLD Puma by Carlos Montefusco

SOLD Puma by Carlos Montefusco

SOLD All Star Hatband by Benoit Poulain

SOLD All Star Hatband by Benoit Poulain

Headstall by Baru Spiller

Headstall by Baru Spiller

SOLD Blue Mountain by Wayne Baize

SOLD Blue Mountain by Wayne Baize

Genuine Steer Hide by Rygh Westby

Genuine Steer Hide by Rygh Westby

SOLD Canyon Cow Hunt by KW Whitley

SOLD Canyon Cow Hunt by KW Whitley

SOLD The Catch Hand by Herman Walker

SOLD The Catch Hand by Herman Walker

No Way to Start the Day by Herman Walker

No Way to Start the Day by Herman Walker

SOLD Needin’ A Drink by Herman Walker

SOLD Needin’ A Drink by Herman Walker

SOLD Quirt by Ben Tolley

SOLD Quirt by Ben Tolley

SOLD Matching Set of 3 Bosals by Ben Tolley

SOLD Matching Set of 3 Bosals by Ben Tolley

The Thunder Rolls by Edgar Sotelo

The Thunder Rolls by Edgar Sotelo

SOLD Hurry Up and Wait by Edgar Sotelo

SOLD Hurry Up and Wait by Edgar Sotelo

Conchos and Chrome by Edgar Sotelo

Conchos and Chrome by Edgar Sotelo

SOLD The Earth by Lindy Cook Severns

SOLD The Earth by Lindy Cook Severns

Snowy Peaks on the Rio Grande by Lindy Cook Severns

Snowy Peaks on the Rio Grande by Lindy Cook Severns

Taking a Break by Raul Ruiz

Taking a Break by Raul Ruiz

SOLD El Vaquero by Raul Ruiz

SOLD El Vaquero by Raul Ruiz

Cathedral Mountain by Raul Ruiz

Cathedral Mountain by Raul Ruiz

California Style Quirt by Graeme Quisenberry

California Style Quirt by Graeme Quisenberry

Camp at Point of Rocks by Wayne Baize

Camp at Point of Rocks by Wayne Baize

Well Let’s Go by Tom Paulson

Well Let’s Go by Tom Paulson

SOLD US Flag Mecate by Douglas Krause

SOLD US Flag Mecate by Douglas Krause

SOLD 12 foot Bullwhip by Krist King

SOLD 12 foot Bullwhip by Krist King

Step Aside by Heather Kaiser

Step Aside by Heather Kaiser

Trepidation by Heather Kaiser

Trepidation by Heather Kaiser

Pair o’ Jacks by Stephen Jones

Pair o’ Jacks by Stephen Jones

SOLD Buckaroo Spur Leathers by J. T. Hudson

SOLD Buckaroo Spur Leathers by J. T. Hudson

Quirt by Leland Hensley

Quirt by Leland Hensley

Jack by Tom Paulson

Jack by Tom Paulson

Wild Daisy Necklace, Earrings and Bracelet by Rex Crawford

Wild Daisy Necklace, Earrings and Bracelet by Rex Crawford

Come ‘n Git It by Tom Paulson

Come ‘n Git It by Tom Paulson

Hyacinth Necklace and Earrings by Rex Crawford

Hyacinth Necklace and Earrings by Rex Crawford

SOLD Braided Rawhide Quirt by Whit Olson

SOLD Braided Rawhide Quirt by Whit Olson

Braided Rawhide Pen by Whit Olson

Braided Rawhide Pen by Whit Olson

Comin’ To Ya by Jan Mapes

Comin’ To Ya by Jan Mapes

Vintage Bronc Rider Bookends by Rick McCumber

Vintage Bronc Rider Bookends by Rick McCumber

Sittin’ On Go by Sharon McConnell

Sittin’ On Go by Sharon McConnell

Shaving Kit by Matt Litz

Shaving Kit by Matt Litz

Gentleman’s Three Piece Buckle Set by Matt Litz

Gentleman’s Three Piece Buckle Set by Matt Litz

SOLD Tools of the Trade by Kathryn Leitner

SOLD Tools of the Trade by Kathryn Leitner

Called Out By Name by Kathryn Leitner

Called Out By Name by Kathryn Leitner

Dress Buckle by Beau Compton

Dress Buckle by Beau Compton

Ol Devil Be Damned by Mike Capron

Ol Devil Be Damned by Mike Capron

Horsehead Crossing – We Made It by Mike Capron

Horsehead Crossing – We Made It by Mike Capron

Fringed Purse by Brody Bolton

Fringed Purse by Brody Bolton

SOLD Duffle Bag by Brody Bolton

SOLD Duffle Bag by Brody Bolton

Off the Top by Teal Blake

Off the Top by Teal Blake

High Hand by Buckeye Blake

High Hand by Buckeye Blake

SOLD Waitin’ at the Fire by Brian Asher

SOLD Waitin’ at the Fire by Brian Asher

Ready To Rope by Brian Asher

Ready To Rope by Brian Asher

Mustachio by Brian Asher

Mustachio by Brian Asher

I’ll Just Call You Mine by JaNeil Anderson

I’ll Just Call You Mine by JaNeil Anderson

Sierra del Carmen by Chase Almond

Sierra del Carmen by Chase Almond